
By filling in and submiting the form you agree to the processing of personal data in accordance with the principles of personal data protection.

According to the Act on Registration of Sales, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt to the customer. At the same time he is obliged to register the recieved revenue with the tax administrator online. In case of a technical failure within 48 hours the latest.

Your 10% discount for booking through our website will be deducted upon payment at the hotel.

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Petra Nováková

„Snídaně byla výborná - velký výběr, pokoj sicek maličký, ale čistý. Moc pěkné prostředí kolem, hluk ze silnice před hotelem nebyl skoro vůbec slyšet.“




Zlínská 172
765 02 Otrokovice

+ 420 577 591 111

+ 420 606 593 216

Operator        Hotel Purkmistr